Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Its really a strange World over in....

...the Access many bad practices
Like this one have had my fill of discouragement today, so I am not following the thread but what do you expect from people who work with PlaySkool's "My First Database Engine". Admittedly, it's been a couple of versions of Office since I have dealt with a lot of that crap but I can not imagine it has gotten a lot better nor the average Access practitioner has become that much more of a sophisticated programmer.|||the average Access practitioner has become that much more of a sophisticated programmer.


Scrub, more likely|||...the Access many bad practices

Like this one
Could be worse. Could be Excel. Remember the spat I got into the with Excel developer who insisted that spreadsheets were equal to or superior to databases?|||No. I think I missed that one.|||After reading that thread I think I am going to go sit in the corner and cry.|||I know how much you guys bash Access - but that's how I started!
I still enjoy using it for small scale stuff.

I would not be the developer I am today without Access.|||I think Access is a great product. The problems occur when it is used beyond its capacity.|||Yeah, hell, I did a boat load of's not Access

It's like giving a loaded gun to a monkey however

And the Excel thing, I'm in the middle of convert a "system" to .net and SQL

One of the things they like to do, is cell reference, where that's more difficult to reference rows to each other

However, what I find is that a lot of it can be handled with math, which the excel "programmers" never take the time to investigate

Ask an excel "programmer" to do a set based running total

fuuuuget about it|||Should this not be in chat?|||It's a really strange world when the Sybas^H^H^H^H^HSQL Server guys are busting on Access guys...

I happen to like SQL Server. Most of my work I've done on SQL Server. But let's be honest: better adherence to the SQL standard just means it's more standard, not that it's more relationally correct. And given that most client apps written for SQL Server are done in Visual Basic, you can hardly get all uppity about your choice of imperative languages.

BTW, Kaiser, why are you criticizing them for utilizing a progress bar? Every human interface guideline I've ever seen, from the original Macintosh HIG manuals to the Windows guidelines, states that if a long task is running that the system should display a progress bar. Where's the bad practice here?|||Oh, my dear sco08y

What makes you think a batch process should have the user sit there and watch?

It is a culture of bs m$ crap, that's what

Any process that is not in the milliseconds should be a background asynchronous task

better adherence to the SQL standard just means it's more standard, not that it's more relationally correct.

"Any Response to that"

"Yeah: WHAT?"|||Any process that is not in the milliseconds should be a background asynchronous task

Yeah, that's what the minimize button is for. But I see what you're getting at, and it's really due to deficiencies in the OS.

Besides, even the so-called server operating systems like Unix require a lot of babysitting of background tasks. And I've never seen a good UI for sifting through log files.

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