Monday, February 20, 2012

IsSorted Property problem

Dear friends,

I have a ETL to import some data. When I try to open de merge join transformation, the BIDS give me an error. The error is the IsSorted must me set to true in both datasources, but I dont want to insert the sort transformation, because I know that both datasources are sorted... How can I update the IsSorted property for the both datasources? I didn't find the place to do it... it's not possible?


in the SOurce Components; you can right click, advanced properties; Input and output properties and set the IsSorted property of the 'OLE DB Source Output' equal to true. Additionally; you have to expand the 'output columns' node and set SortKeyPosition property for the proper columns. 0 means it is not sorted; 1 for the first column in the sort; 2 for the second one; 3 for the 3rd one....

Notice that by doing this you are just changing the metadata; the data will no be sorted. If data is not properly sorted; merge join will yield unexpected results. Also, make sure there are not tranformations in the dataflow, prior to the merge join; that alter the original sort of the data.


Dear Rafael Salas

Thanks for your answer. I have some problem about "IsSorted Property". And I solve it by your guide. It is useful.

Again, Thanks for your support!

Tam Nguyen!

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