We are using Integrated Security=SSPI, and I can connect to SSAS 2005 just fine. I can also connect to the cube through OWC...
but when I try to connect in C# (.net 1.1), I get the message: the peer prematurely closed the connection. I did plenty of searches on this message, and I should have all the required files to connect - it just doesn't connect.
So I did a trace, and when I connect through OWC, it shows an Audit Log with my username. When I try to connect w/ .net, it shows ANONYMOUS LOGON
Here is my connection string that is being used: (xxx's are filled w/ the right values)
Provider=MSOLAP.3;Cache Authentication=True;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=xxx;Data Source=xxxx;
Any ideas?
I realized that this might be happening because the virtual directory was set to use anonymous access. So, I took that off of the directory and made sure 'integrated windows authentication' was checked. I did an iisreset and tried out the changes, but it still was using ANONYMOUS LOGON.
I then tried to make a normal windows app because before, I was using a web app. This connected with my name just fine!
So it seems like the problem is with the iis virtual directory setup still wanting to use the anonymous account. I even set deny permission to the web project directory for iusr, iwam, network service.
I'd be glad to receive some feedback.
|||Its the double hop scenario. The user comes in with credentials and they get used to access the web site/service. But when the web site/service goes to the db, the ASP.Net (local) user is used for authentication.That is why it works when one runs it outside the web site/service but not within. If it is IIS 6 you can try the application pooling in InetMgr by specifying a user that has access and the have the site use that pool...your mileage may vary.
Otherwise you will need to connect not using the impersonation route but by passing in a DB user name and password.
Another option is Active Directory and having the machine accepted while using Kerberos Authentication...but again, your mileage may vary.|||
There is a need to implement the specific user's crudentials when accessing SSAS. It sounds like one option you gave would still be using a single logon account.
If we go the route of active directory, is there a way to pass the current user's logon info but not have it be visible to developers? the connection open method takes a (plain text?) un/pw if SSPI isn't used.
|||You may want to look into Protected Configuration as provided by ASP.Net 2. That would encrypt the information into the web.config. See this Security Practices: ASP.NET 2.0 Security Practices at a Glance to see if that answers your question, search for (encryption). Otherwise one of the other notes may be beneficial.|||Were you able to get a resolution to this issue? I have a .NET application that I am trying to pass role-based security into SSAS 2005. This is a double-hop scenario and we have implemented Active Directory to try to restrict access to dimension data. However, it is not passing through the appropriate security restriction to the dimension data.
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