I have created a job that fill and update a database from a source db with same structure.
INSERT code is made up comparing the pk column in the source and dest db, the missed ones are filled in the destination.
UPDATE: check col by col, if any change value exists, updated is performed with the following statement for any tables in the DB
UPDATE tableADest
SET col1=source.Col1, col2=source.col2, ... coln=source.coln
FROM tableASource source
INNER JOIN tableAdest dest
ON dest.colpk = source.colpk
The main problem is that I cannot identify the row update in the souce db, everytime I have to compare the whole equivalent tables (source and dest db), because there are not timestamp, updated cols or any cols usefuls, to have a subset of data and find any new or upadeted rows.
I tried replication, but it does not work on that db.
So I created a trigger for each table where new insert or updated row must be detected. The PKs are saved on tables.
The problem is that when I run the application it hold-on, when triggers are disabled the application run fine.
How can I use trigger on several tables without affectrunning application?
can you post your triggers?|||can you post your triggers?|||
That's the piece of code:
INSERT INTO TempPkDB.dbo.tabella (pk) SELECT i.pk FROM inserted i
WHERE t.pk = i.pk)
This code is applied to each tables where tables must be moved to the destination table.
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