Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Issue with float data type


I have a table with float data type. When we insert or update data with some math(1+1.01) it converts the decimal value to approximate value.


Create a table say "Table1" with field "Field1" of data type float

Now insert a record with value 1.01

Select * from Table1 would give me out put at 1.01

Update Table1 set Field1 = 1.01+1

Now Select * from Table1

Instead of returning me 2.01, it returns 2.0099999999999998. Same thing happens if I insert record with following statement

insert into Table1(Field1) values (1+1.01)

Any idea why its doing this way? I know float is approximate data type, but shouldn't it be giving me correct value for what I am doing? Is there any server setting that I can change to get proper result?



I think the answer to your question is that there is no exact conversion of the number 2.01 into a hexidecimal floating point representation; what I remember is that it is initially surprising what numbers do not convert exactly and this is probably one of them. I think the answer is you need to live with the limitations of floating point representation or switch to an exact representation with a pre-defined precision and scale. If you stick with float, use of the ROUND function will be helpful. I verified and I receive the same behavior and same response that you do. Somebody check me on this?




I found this article:

The "B.1" section discusses the problem of representing 1/10 in binary; this should give the idea.



Float is an approximate data type so it stores only close approximation of a value. See below link for more details:

You need to use decimal or numeric to get exact representation of the value.


Hi all,

What are the drawbacks of using decimal insted of float data type?


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